Patrick Walsh

"Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be." - Dr. Harold Winston

September 2020

NBA Win Predictor

I revisited Oliver's Four Factors to evaluate its accuracy in today's NBA. I used feature engineering to create a more accurate and insightful model to predict wins.

September 2020

Mall Customer Segmentation

I clustered customers (K-Means) into 6 segments based on age, income, and spending score, facilitating targeted marketing to decrease customer acquisition cost and to increase customer retention. I identified ideal segments to target and recommended actionable initiatives tailored to the segments.

April 2020

Rethinking 2-Point Conversions and 4th Down

I performed exploratory data analysis to understand playcalling tendencies in increasingly important situations. I used feature engineering to evaluate teams' play calling tendencies given the pressure of the situation in the game.

April 2020

SQL Queries

Here are example queries I made on a club membership database (Microsoft SQL Server).